Automating Gnus RSS Subscriptions

December 13, 2023

Gnus is my favourite news reader; it can read e-mails, RSS and Atom feeds, tweets, Usenet news and more. I was playing around with nnrss backend a lot this summer and one thing that I did not particularly like was that you have to subscribe to each RSS feed interactively (or at least this is what official documentation recommends). Luckily this is Emacs so we can change just about anything.

(setq my-feeds '(("Richard Stallman" "" "Chief GNUisance of the GNU Project")
                ;; Define other feeds right here (title url description)

;; This function mimics `gnus-group-make-rss-group' behaviour
(defun my-subscribe-rss-feeds (feeds)
  (require 'nnrss)
  (dolist (feed feeds)
    (let* ((title (nth 0 feed))
       (href (nth 1 feed))
       (desc (nth 2 feed))
       (coding (gnus-group-name-charset '(nnrss "") title)))
      (when coding
    ;; Unify non-ASCII text.
    (setq title (decode-coding-string
             (encode-coding-string title coding)
      (unless (gnus-group-entry (gnus-group-prefixed-name title "nnrss"))
    (gnus-group-make-group title '(nnrss ""))
    (push (list title href desc) nnrss-group-alist)
    (message "Group %s added" title)
    (nnrss-save-server-data nil)))))

(add-hook 'gnus-setup-news-hook (lambda () (my-subscribe-rss-feeds my-feeds)))

This snippet is also available on Github. Please let me know what is your Gnus/RSS setup.